Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 2 and Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 3 complete the series
for the new Junior Cycle SPHE short course and have been designed to meet the curricular
requirements of SPHE in the context of Wellbeing. The two student textbooks:
- Cover the four strands, strand units and Learning Outcomes of the SPHE short course
- Address each of the Eight Key Skills of the new Junior Cycle
- Use understandable and age-appropriate language with Learning Outcomes for each unit
- Follow best practice in addressing the health and wellbeing needs of young people
- Contain a wide variety of active learning methodologies such as
drama, collage, traffic lights, quizzes, animations, debates,
film-making and more - Emphasise the theoretical background of topics with
up-to-date research findings and references to provoke thought
and discussion - Focus on developing students’ skills in literacy (oral and digital presentation, reports,
debating and drama) and numeracy (surveys, statistics, graphs
and charts) - Avoid a ‘one size fits all’ lesson-based approach – allowing class
groups the flexibility to progress through each topic at their own
pace - Include a wide range of activities and assessment techniques that
acknowledge the different learning styles - List Key words at the beginning of each unit and explained
throughout the text - Contain Learning Logs which encourage students to reflect on
their learning and keep a record of it, facilitating the completion of
classroom-based assessments (CBAs) and student journals
Book 2
Features new and
age-appropriate information on:
online safety,
mental health,
stress management,
resilience and relaxation

Book 3
Features new and
age-appropriate information
on issues including:
study and
exam skills,
and sexual health,
management and
relaxation techniques,
guidelines on organising a
‘Positive Mental Health Week’