Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 1 is a brand new textbook, written specifically for the new Junior Cycle.
Student Textbook
- Covers the four strands, strand units and learning outcomes of the SPHE short course
- Each strand addresses each of the Eight Key Skills of the new Junior Cycle
- Uses understandable and age-appropriate language
- Follows best practice in addressing the health and wellbeing needs of young people
- Includes new and age-appropriate units on mental health, mindfulness, stress management and relaxation
- Easy-to-read, bright and attractive design, with full-colour illustrations and engaging photos
- Learning Outcomes for each unit
- Not a ‘one size fits all’ lesson-based textbook – allows class groups the flexibility to progress through each lesson plan at their own pace
- Includes a wide range of activities and assessment techniques which acknowledge the different learning styles and varying needs of students
- Key words are listed at the beginning of each unit and explained
- Variety of assessment techniques used
- ‘Learning Logs’ provide students with opportunities to reflect on their learning and keep a record of it, facilitating the completion of classroom-based assessments and keeping student journals
- Suggestions for exemplars and activities to be included in student collections of work

Teacher’s Resource Book
- Provides practical guidelines for the implementation of the textbook activities
- Includes extra theoretical background to topics and alternative activities
- Workable suggestions for mixed-ability teaching
- Solutions to quizzes and crosswords
- Further useful website suggestions for teacher use
- Tips for dealing with sensitive material
- Information on recommendations from recent SPHE subject inspections and how Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 1 addresses them
- Outlines available digital resources for each strand and suggests ideas for classroom integration
Digital Resources
Teachers can access the Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 1 interactive e-book at, as well as a bank of free digital resources, including:
- A series of PowerPoints covering a range of key topics, including settling in at school, dealing with peer pressure and different forms of wellbeing
- Lively scenario-based animations to stimulate classroom discussion
- Worksheets to accompany the animations
- A comprehensive list of weblinks for each unit
- Partner resources: exclusive additional resources and information from
Digital resources are referenced in both the Student Textbook and the Teacher’s Resource Book.

FREE e-book
- Students and teachers can download their free Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 1 e-book by visiting